Growing in The fullness of God...
choosing life, freedom, and identity in Christ.
In every situation we have a choice. We can choose to follow God who has provided abundant life for us (John 10:10), or we can choose follow our own way—which often leads to a backlash of pain.
“…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children may live, and that you may LOVE THE LORD your God, LISTEN to His Voice, and HOLD FAST to Him. For the Lord is your life...” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20).
Epic Life Ministries focuses predominately on: overcoming difficulties, sexual wholeness, understanding the principles of God’s government (which is simply living from His Kingdom perspective), and healthy relationships.
We are committed to fully pursuing Him, no matter what happens, or doesn’t happen, in life. Our heart is to authentically share the resources that God has given us so that we can enjoy the benefits of His abundant life.
Through the loss and pain of difficult circumstances... and deferred dreams… as well as in the great joy and hope of pursuing all that God has for us… we can live an EPIC LIFE in Christ. Please join us!